Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Cinco De Mayo!!

Clues for after work Fiesta.....Shoes! Ole! Check out the Sexy Senoritas' shoes shoes shoes!!

Thanh is ready to Salsa...Ole!

Sherry  looking fierce

Sonta ready to party


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Woo Hoo with all the SHOES!

Today at work there was the usual hustling and bustling in the office, I was on my way to help a fellow co-worker and was totally distracted by all of the fabulous shoes I saw! From, high end, to Payless, and a few others in between ...the ladies were showing the shoes! I stopped by DSW and found these adorable Madden Girl Pumps called ALEXSA! Love them all ladies!

Lyndae showing a pair of Donald DJ Pliner

Courtney ...Always looking lovely! 
 Sexy Crystal!

I can't believe you found these at Payless...nice work Susan!!

Ahhhhh DSW You know what I like!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rain Rain You Can Stay With My Boots I Will Play!

The town I live in is experiencing excessive rain and roads and highways are covered in water. Thanks to my Rampage Rain Boots from DSW I was able to go out and explore and my tootsies stayed dry and as a bone. Thanks DSW and Rampage!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Hot Shoes At The Blues Concert!

Yesterday I worked a Blues Concert. The Annual Blues on the River event. As I was people watching I spotted some AMAZING footwear. Check them out below!!